As an English medium school, South Delhi Public School is recognized by the Directorate of Education, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.
SDPS is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi for All India Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations.
The emphasis is on language, numerical and aesthetic development along with Nature Study through activity and play that is conducive to the physical and emotional growth of the children in their respective age groups.
The teaching does not adhere to any one school of thought, but is eclectic, pragmatic and empirical.
The school follows the All India Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools' syllabus. With Hindi as second language, Sanskrit is taught as a third language from Class 6 to Class 8. There is an option of studying Hindi/Sanskrit in Class 9 and Class 10.
At the Senior Secondary level, the school provides following courses:
Science, Commerce, Humanities
Science: English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Maths/Physical Education & Computer Science
Commerce: English Core, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics & Maths/Physical Education/ Informatic Practices
Humanities: English Core, History, Political Science, Economics & Physical Education